
十大网络彩票平台大全 is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, 还有其他好处, 项目, 和活动, 不受歧视, 骚扰, 和报复, 大学采用了 禁止歧视和骚扰政策 in order to advance its goal of maintaining an environment free of Discrimination, 骚扰, 及相关报复.

十大网络彩票平台大全 encourages individuals who have been affected by Discrimination, 骚扰, 和/或报复 to promptly make a Report to 十大网络彩票平台大全 using any of the reporting options provided. 十大网络彩票平台大全 will respond promptly and equitably to all Reports of Discrimination, 骚扰, 和/或报复, 并将采取适当措施消除这种行为, 预防复发, 并解决其影响.

十大网络彩票平台大全 values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all those involved.


第九条 of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits any person in the United States from being discriminated against on the basis of sex in seeking access to any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 美国.S. 教育部, 是谁在执行第九条, has long defined the meaning of 第九条’s prohibition on sex discrimination broadly to include various forms of sexual 骚扰 and sexual violence that interfere with a student’s ability to equally access our educational 项目 and opportunities.


玛丽安·普莱斯,MS serves as the 第九条协调员 for 十大网络彩票平台大全. The 第九条协调员 oversees implementation of the University’s 禁止骚扰和非歧视政策, and has the primary responsibility for coordinating 十大网络彩票平台大全’s efforts related to the intake, 调查, 决议, 并停止实施支持性措施, 纠正, 防止歧视, 骚扰, 这一政策禁止报复.


  • Taking prompt and effective steps to ensure that Discrimination does not continue or recur, 并补救其影响;
  • Monitoring the University’s Education Program or Activity for barriers to reporting conduct that may constitute Discrimination and taking steps reasonably calculated to address such barriers;
  • Facilitating the provision of a non-discriminatory environment and equal access to individuals experiencing Pregnancy or Related Conditions; and 
  • When notified of conduct that reasonably may constitute Discrimination,
    • 公平对待投诉人和被投诉人;
    • Offering and coordinating Supportive Measures for the Complainant and, if Informal Resolution 过程 or Grievance 程序 are pending, 被申请人;
    • 通知投诉人或, 如果不同, 个人制作报告, of the Informal Resolution 过程 and Grievance 程序, 可行的和适当的;
    • Notifying the Respondent of the Informal Resolution 过程 and Grievance 程序, 在可行和适当的情况下, 如作出投诉;
    • 在投诉事件中, 启动申诉程序或, 如果可行和适当,并应所有缔约方的要求, the Informal Resolution 过程; and
    • 在投诉人没有提出投诉的情况下, or in the event of the withdrawal of any or all of the allegations in a Complaint, 决定是否发起投诉.


玛丽安·普莱斯,学生事务主任 & 第九条协调员
titleix@fjzuowen.com | equity@fjzuowen.com

Deputy 第九条协调员, ADA / Section 504 Coordinator, 和非歧视协调员

The Deputy 第九条协调员 supports the coordination and implementation of the University’s compliance efforts for the Policy, and provides assistance to the 第九条协调员 for intake meetings, 初步评估, 监督调查, 培训和预防工作. 第九条副协调员也担任第九条协调员 & 民权调查员.

美国niversity’s ADA/Section 504协调员 is responsible for overseeing efforts to comply with the ADA and Section 504, including responding to grievances and conducting 调查s of any allegation of noncompliance or discrimination based on disability.

Grievances related to reasonable accommodations will be addressed using the Section 504/ADA Grievance 程序 as outlined in the 学生手册.

La-Riese Eldridge-Garcia, m.s.Ed., 学生事务副院长, has been designated as the University’s Deputy 第九条协调员, ADA/Section 504协调员, 和非歧视协调员.

La-Riese Eldridge-Garcia, m.s.Ed.,学生副院长/第九章副协调员

第九条 & 民权调查员

在第九条协调员的指导下,第九条 & 民权调查员 investigate complaints filed by students and employees involving 禁止的行为. Investigators complete in-depth and ongoing training and assist the University in ensuring a timely response and 决议 of complaints. 美国niversity retains the right to utilize external Investigators when it deems necessary.


都是十大网络彩票平台大全的员工, 包括教职员工, 是被禁止行为的强制记者吗. 为免生疑问, 志愿教练是强制记者, as are Students who are also employees of the University and/or who serve in the positions of community assistant, 取向的领导者, 和/或研究生助理.

With the exception of Confidential Employees acting in the scope of their duties to which confidentiality applies, all 十大网络彩票平台大全 employees are obligated to promptly report incidents to the 第九条协调员.

A Mandated Reporter need not have learned of the reportable information from the individual allegedly affected by 禁止的行为 for it to be reportable. A Mandated Reporter must report information they have received regardless of the manner of receipt, 包括通过第三方. 要求记者 are not permitted to make anonymous Reports in order to satisfy their obligations as a Mandated Reporter.

Any questions regarding Mandatory 报告 responsibilities should be directed to the 第九条协调员.

